Monthly Archives: April 2013
From the Comments
Here are two of the objections to Saturday’s “More Reasons to Call Off the Reinhart-Rogoff Witch Hunt” from a commenter (on Seeking Alpha) who contributed a competing list of “pet peeves” to counter my list:
More Reasons to Call Off the Reinhart-Rogoff Witch Hunt
On Monday, I posted an article that one pundit introduced on Twitter with the words: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Reinhart-Rogoff defender.” Needless to say, comment threads on the sites that published my article have been interesting.
Leading Indicators Are Telling Us To Bet Against a Eurozone Recovery
This morning’s quarterly bank lending survey capped off a series of indicators with a bleak message for the Eurozone economy. Almost all signs suggest that Europe continues to spiral downwards.
Why Reinhart and Rogoff Aren’t the Real Villains
Update (May 2): We’re finally seeing more fair-minded commentators taking a balanced view of Reinhart’s and Rogoff’s research. After investigating data discrepancies for New Zealand (pointed out by reader Margaret below), Bloomberg’s Matthew C. Klein called out the three University … Continue reading
TIC…TIC…TIC: The Ominous Warning in Foreigners’ U.S. Bond Positions
When data released last year showed China losing its appetite for U.S. bonds, it didn’t cause much concern. Sure, some bloggers took notice, such as the always alert Tyler Durden(s) in this post. But most pundits saw other countries picking … Continue reading
Word Matching the “Deadly Sins”: Final Answers
This is the final article and summary of the “Deadly Sins” series. For those who missed the first six articles, we’ve combined a cold, hard look at the way the government presents its finances with a gaming challenge you might … Continue reading
Word Matching the “Deadly Sins”: #6
This is the sixth article in a series that considers the true state of our government’s finances. I’ve been listing the many ways that policymakers mask the severity of our debt problem, while adding the competitive element of a word … Continue reading
Word Matching the “Deadly Sins”: #5
This is the fifth of a series of articles featuring the “Government Finances Word Match” in the diagram below. You don’t need to read the other four to follow this one, but if you were to go here, here, here … Continue reading
Word Matching the “Deadly Sins”: #4
This article takes us halfway into a series that exposes many misconceptions about our government’s financial position. In case you missed the first three articles in the series, the diagram below shows how they tie together: We’re playing word match … Continue reading
Word Matching the “Deadly Sins”: #3
In this article, I’ll reveal the third of the seven “sins” introduced in “Word Matching the ‘Deadly Sins’ – #1”. In case you missed the first two articles, we’re matching items from the columns in the diagram below. Each match … Continue reading