Tag Archives: fiscal risks
The Ominous Message in 2 Centuries of Global Public Finances
After our recent article showing the history of non-defense budget balances for large, developed countries, some readers wondered how our results might change with defense spending included. Here’s a new chart showing total budget balances:
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Tagged Buenos Aires, defense spending, developed countries, emerging economies, fiscal crisis, fiscal discipline, fiscal policy, fiscal risks, military spending, Napoleonic Wars, Niall Ferguson, public borrowing, public finances, state expansion, The Ascent of Money, U.S. Civil War, wealth confiscation
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Obamacare’s Unintended Consequences: It’s Not Just a Technology Problem
Ron Suskind’s Pulitzer Prize-winning account of Barack Obama’s first two years in office, Confidence Men, tells the inside story of the wheeling and dealing that culminated in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). According to Suskind:
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Tagged ACA, Affordable Care Act, Beige Book, Confidence Men, exchanges fiasco, fiscal risks, Health and Human Services, HHS, hiring disincentives, insurance exchanges, Jon Stewart, Kathleen Sebelius, Massachusetts state health reform, Megan McArdle, Michael Cembalest, Obamacare's unintended consequences, Ron Suskind, Stewart-Sebelius interview, Sunlight Foundation, Tyler Durden