If you’re reading this you probably subscribed to CYNICONOMICS back in the day, and we owe you an apology for CYNICONOMICS’s abrupt end. We expected to restart it, but just like entitlement reform it never happened. In any case, we appreciate that you took the time to review our research and writing. Thank you! And if you shared our work with friends and followers, thank you for that, too.
Now for the update—we finally started blogging again, as of today, although we decided to start a new blog. You’ll find our work at ffwiley.com. After reflecting on what we liked and didn’t like from older articles (reading your own moss-covered prose can be disturbing), the new blog may be improved, but you’ll be the judge of that. We’ll write about the usual topics and would be more than happy to see our former readers subscribe to the new blog.
And that’s not all—FF finally finished and published his book, which is titled Economics for Independent Thinkers: A Practical, No-Nonsense Guide to Understanding Economic Risks. You can learn more about it on this website, which includes sample chapters. Or, to buy it on Amazon, go here. (You’ll see that we didn’t wait for Susan Rice to “unmask” us. But we can always be FF and Ginger to you.)
Thank you again for showing interest in our work and sharing it with others!
FF Wiley and Ginger Snap