Tag Archives: forward guidance
What an Ex-FOMC Governor Really Wants to Tell You about the Fed
Hunting season is off to a good start this week, and I’m not just talking about deer hunting. It seems that former Fed officials declared open season on their ex-colleagues. First, Andrew Huszar, who once ran the Fed’s mortgage buying … Continue reading
Yellin’ for Yellen: I Must Have Fallen Asleep and Woken Up in 2006
After reading the coverage of Janet Yellen’s Fed Chair nomination yesterday, it feels as though it’s 2006 all over again. Confidence in our central bankers seems to be approaching all-time highs, little more than five years after it collapsed alongside … Continue reading
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Tagged Alan Greenspan, asset inflation, Ben Bernanke, forward guidance, Friedman's forecasting, Galbraith, Great Moderation, Huffington Post, Janet Yellen, John Kenneth Galbraith, Justin Wolfers, Milton Friedman, Paul Volcker, QE, Ryan Grimm, the majority is always wrong, Yellen nomination, ZIRP
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Two Post-FOMC Charts That Seem To Explain, Well, Nothing
Or maybe they sum up the last five months of Fedspeak? I couldn’t decide which.
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Tagged Chairman Bernanke, fed communications, fed surprise, Fedspeak, forward guidance
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