Tag Archives: Keynesian
Fonzie or Ponzi? One Theory on the Limits to Government Debt
If you’re part of my generation and watched enough Happy Days back in the day, you know that “the Fonz” had a keen understanding of human nature. And that projecting confidence was a huge part of his alpha male badassness. … Continue reading
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Tagged America's finances, austerity, Balassone-Francese-Pace, Baum-Cecherita-Westphal-Rother, budget deficit, CBO, Cecchetti-Mohanty-Zampolli, Cecherita-Rother, Charles Ponzi, confidence trick, Congressional Budget Office, debt addiction, debt projection, debt stabilization, debt threshold, debt-to-GDP, debt-to-GDP ratio, dependency ratio, depression-like economy, Fonzie, Happy Days, Hyman Minsky, hyperinflation, Keynesian, Keynesian end game, Kumar-Woo, median household income, Ponzi finance, Ponzi point, Ponzi Scheme, primary balance, primary budget balance, real debt stabilization, Reinhart-Rogoff, The Fonz, wealth confiscation
Fed Policy Risks, Hedge Funds and Brad DeLong’s Whale of a Tale
I have to say it was disappointing to see Brad DeLong’s latest defense of Fed policy, which was published this past weekend and trumpeted far and wide by like-minded bloggers. For those who missed it, the article is titled: “Bernanke … Continue reading