Tag Archives: Paul Ryan
Revisiting the Reinhart-Rogoff Kerfuffle and the Consequences of High Government Debt
Last September, the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) asked us for an article updating our commentary on the Reinhart-Rogoff controversy, while combining it with one of our government debt studies. The article appeared in the latest issue of the organization’s POLICY Magazine, which hit … Continue reading
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Tagged austerity, Brad Plumer, Carmen Reinhart, Centre for Independent Studies, CIS, Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff, debt thresholds, Endgame, government defaults, Growth in a Time of Debt, John Mauldin, Jonathan Tepper, Justin Fox, Kenneth Rogoff, Marginal Revolution, Paul Ryan, POLICY Magazine, Reinhart-Rogoff controversy, Rortybomb, Stephen Kirchner, This Time is Different, Thomas Herndon, Tyler Cowen
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